What was life like before films for kirandeep rayat?

Before I became a Punjabi actor I was living a good life. Taking responsibility in the family business of manufacturing and selling electrical appliances, I was popular in my social circle, but only three friends were and are still closest to my heart. I share my deepest feelings and thoughts with these three only. Here I would like to mention that these three friends belong to regular upper middle class families, but money or the lack of it has never come between us. I am lucky to be born in a well-heeled family, but my experiences in life have also taught me that money is not everything. There is a moral value attached to the way a person lives his life. This is the reason that I was a completely god fearing person. I lived my life in such a way as to not cause disruption in the lives of the people around me. While growing up I was a very naughty and vivacious child and remember all the thrashing and tongue lashings I got from my mom who is a very strict lady. A rigorous effort b...