You can call me a fitness freak with my love of exercise and a fit body

From the very beginning I had a trim body and luckily did not have the tendency to put on weight. When I grew up into my teen years I realised the importance and the passion for a well-built physique. This is the reason that I started going to the gym regularly. As I have mentioned earlier in one of my blogs, I am a foodie and have a passion for good food. However, I make sure that my everyday diet consists of balanced and healthy foods. I have learned to balance the indulgence of my taste buds with the requirements of a healthy and muscular body. My passion of fitness has been very useful in portraying the role of a robust Punjabi farmer. If you have ever been to Punjab and seen the hardworking farmers there, you will realise that they are very fit and have enviable physiques. It is rare to find an overweight farmer at least among the younger lot. As Kirandeep Rayat maintaining a healthy and fit body was just a thing that I liked to do. However, as Kirandeep Rayat Punjabi actor it ...